A strong brand influences its target audience and engages those who may not have been targeted at all. A successful brand is self-promoting, stimulating a unique experience, breathing loyalty, and offering consistency in the quality of the service it offers.
In previous decades, a brand and it’s development was tightly controlled (and controllable) by the company. They chose what events were promoted to the media, how advertising was delivered, and what could be done with their logo. This rigid delivery system has been upended. In today’s world, it is the people who have the power. The internet allows anyone to download your logo and make any variation they choose. Your ads will be dissected and discussed by thousands or millions of people and praise or criticism can flow at will. Public and private events can be shared with the world instantly.
Ultimately it comes down to what they say you are – not what you say you are. And, remember, if you don’t brand yourself, someone else will.